The Nordic Society for Veterinary Epidemiology (NOSOVE) is an informal organization with the vision of advancing veterinary epidemiology. The volunteering board aim to fulfill the vision by providing courses and opportunities to socialise and strengthen the network among post graduate students, researchers and others with an interest in epidemiology. Events are presented through the society network (blogspot).
NOSOVE started in 1988 as a collaboration between the Nordic countries Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, and has expanded to include the Baltic countries, but welcome members and participants from all countries.

Tuesday, 26 November 2002

Minutes of the General Assembly of NOSOVE 2002

The meeting was arranged in Helsinki 26 november 2002. 16 members joined the assembly.

  1. Olli Peltoniemi was elected as chairman of the General Assembly
  2. Eero Rautiainien was elected as secretary of the General Assembly
  3. Anne-Grete Hassing was elected as keeper of the minutes
  4. Lis Alban went through the board’s report:
    The major event during this last period was the NOSOVE-meeting in Norway.
    Also, of importance has been the establishment of a website for NOSOVE (thanks to Nils Toft, DK), as well as the continued management of the Epinord-list (Thanks to Larry Paisley, DK).
    The General Assembly unanimously approved the board’s report.
  5. The treasurer Ann Lindberg was not present at the meeting. Therefore, Eero Rautiainen presented the accounts. There have been limited movements on the accounts. At current there is a surplus of SKR 56,111
  6. The auditors had scrutinised the accounts and found verifications to be in accordance with the daybook, and the accounts to be in good order.
  7. Election of the board     
    Chairman              : Lis Alban (DK)   re-elected
    Dep. Chairman     : Anette Ersbøll  (DK)  re-elected
    Secretary              : Eero Rautiainen (FI) serving another year
    Treasurer             : Ann Lindberg   (SE) serving another year
    Member               : Anne-Margrethe Urdahl (NO) re-elected
  8. Election of substitutes
    Substitute 1           : Lena Hult  (SE)                          re-elected
    Substitute 2           : Olli Peltoniemi (FI)                     new
  9. Election of auditors
    Eystein Skjerve (NO)                                               new
    Helle Stege (DK)                                                     re-elected
  10. Election of deputy auditor
    Kaj Vestergård (DK)                                               new
  11. There will be no membership fee for the coming period
  12. Michael Thrusfield called for de-facto diplomats for the European college EBVS. Deadline for application of defacto recognition of membership is 15/4/2003 (
  13. NOSOVE agreed to host a future annual meeting of SVEPM in 2006 or 2007 probably in connection with the NOSOVE annual meeting.
  14. The assembly decided that there should be no paying for advertisement of NOSOVE homepage. Instead the individual NOSOVE should tell about the homepage in their scientific environment.
  15. Next meeting will be in Denmark in autumn 2003. The Danish members of the board will organize the coming meeting and decide the topic – one suggestion is mixed model analysis.
  16. Lis Alban announced that ISVEE will hold it’s meeting next year in Chile, 11-17 November 2003. Last call for abstracts are March 17. 2003. The homepage of ISVEE are
  17. The meeting closed in good order.

Monday, 25 November 2002

Agenda for the General Assembly of NOSOVE, Helsinki, November, 25th 2002

  1. Election of the Chairman of the General Assembly
  2. Election of the Secretary of the General Assembly
  3. Election of the Keeper of the minutes of the General Assembly
  4. The report of the board concerning the latest election period
  5. The treasurer’s report of the accounts and the certification by the auditors for the year 2001
  6. Settlement of the account and approval of the administration during the last election period
  7. Election of the new board members to replace those retiring (Lis Alban (DK) Anne-Margrethe Urdahl (N) and Olli Peltoniemi (F) are up for election while Ann Lindberg (S) and Eero Rautiainen (F) are serving another year)
  8. Election of substitutes for the board Lena Hult (S) and Anette Ersbøll (DK) are up for election
  9. Election of 2 auditors (Peter Hopp (N) and Helle Stege (DK) are up for election) and a deputy auditor (Mette Vaarst is up for election (DK))
  10. Determination of membership fee for the coming year
  11. Information about the European College
  12. Would NOSOVE host a future annual meeting of the Society of Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine? (SVEPM)
  13. Discussion about NOSOVE’s homepage – should we pay for being advertised?
  14. Determination of the time and place for the next General Assembly and appointment of the organiser for this meeting (Denmark will be organising).
  15. Any other business
  16. Closing of the meeting
On behalf of the board of NOSOVE
Lis Alban
October 22. 2002