(on behalf of Britt Bang Jensen)
NOVA PhD course of 3 ECTS, organised by Eystein Skjerve, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
Dates and location: 27 June - 1 July 2016 in Sandnes, Norway.
Course Description
The course covers the epidemiological aspects of diagnostic test evaluation (DTE) studies – from the technical aspects of planning, conducting and subsequently analyzing data from such studies, to the underlying assumptions regarding disease definitions, test characteristics and the implications of using a perfect reference tests vs. a latent class approach.
Course website
The Nordic Society for Veterinary Epidemiology (NOSOVE) is an informal organization with the vision of advancing veterinary epidemiology. The volunteering board aim to fulfill the vision by providing courses and opportunities to socialise and strengthen the network among post graduate students, researchers and others with an interest in epidemiology. Events are presented through the society network (blogspot).
NOSOVE started in 1988 as a collaboration between the Nordic countries Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, and has expanded to include the Baltic countries, but welcome members and participants from all countries.